When we try to replicate the database from one server to another server it is very very slow...
Then we assumed that the Indexed View may cause this issue.. But we didn't check by removing the index & replicated it..
Can any one suggest me for the following Qs..
Is it Indexed View really bad on Replication(Main Table)?
What is the alternate & best solution for Indexed Views?
Is Covered Index solve the Indexed View issue?
Is Convered Index wont create the Replication issue?
Is it good idea to disable the Index on View on Replication and re-create the index?
Pls guide me on this issue..
We are Using SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise Edition
Modifying Indexed views are slow in general, and not necessarily a replication issue. When modifying indexed views, you're basically doing two writes for every operation - one for the view, one for the underlying tables, plus double the index maintenance.
You can read some basic information about replication and indexed views here - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/maintain/tranrepl.mspx.
You didn't say exactly what is slow, so what you should do is compare performance impact of ins/upd/del statements to the indexed view at the publisher database, with and without replication.
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