Saturday, February 25, 2012

Replication Loop Back Detection Problems in SQL Server 2000


I am monitoring my replication process and I have a problem with the loop detection, I can see origined transacctions in the server, executed in the same for the replication.

The subscriptions configuration is sp_helpsubscription

exec sp_addsubscription @.publication = N'PUBLICATION',
@.article = N'all',
@.subscriber = N'',
@.destination_db = N'PRUEBABD',
@.sync_type = N'none',
@.update_mode = N'read only',
@.offloadagent = 0,
@.dts_package_location = N'distributor',
@.loopback_detection = 'true'

I need for help.

Sorry, it's not clear to me what the problem is. Are you getting an error of some sort?|||

Yes, I have loops in the replication between the subscribers and too many deadlocks.

My topology is

Server A replicates to Server P,

the Server P replicates to Server A,

Server B replicates to Server P and

the Server P replicates to Server B.

I am using transactional replication,

|||sorry, i'm still not clear. what exactly is the error. if it's deadlock, what statements are deadlocking?|||My problem is that loop back detection is unless when I registed the subscriptions with IP. The publicator servers are registered for name.

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