Saturday, February 25, 2012

Replication Issue with ERROR 20026 publication '%s' does not exist

We have replication between two Microsoft SQL2000 servers. We took
down replication (had no problem) then backed up the database (no
problem). Tried to make some changes but had to delete the publication
first and then we ran into some other issuse (not a big problem). So
we decided to restore the database from the backup. the issue came
about because the publication has been deleted but the restored
database still has it listed. Bacause of this we cannot make any
changes to the database, further more if we try to delete the
publication it wont let us because it doesnt exist. So we are kind
caught in a bind (This is the main issue).
can you drop the publications using sp_droppublication?
Follow these instructions -
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
Looking for a FAQ on Indexing Services/SQL FTS
<> wrote in message
> We have replication between two Microsoft SQL2000 servers. We took
> down replication (had no problem) then backed up the database (no
> problem). Tried to make some changes but had to delete the publication
> first and then we ran into some other issuse (not a big problem). So
> we decided to restore the database from the backup. the issue came
> about because the publication has been deleted but the restored
> database still has it listed. Bacause of this we cannot make any
> changes to the database, further more if we try to delete the
> publication it wont let us because it doesnt exist. So we are kind
> caught in a bind (This is the main issue).
|||Fixed it yeeeha. Thanks for your help Hilary what ended up working for
me was "sp_removedbreplication". The other stored procedures will work
if the publication pr replication existed (which was not my case)

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