Monday, March 26, 2012

replication setup

I am using SQL 2005 server. If I want to replicate a table from A
server to B server, using transactional publication, do I setup a
publication in A server with article of the table and then setup a
subscription in B server? Am I over-simplifying or there is some thing I
need to set up? Cause now it is not changing the record in B server when I
change the record in A server.
Please help. Thanks.
Michael - have you set this up already? If the table is on Server B then I
assume that the initialization has worked and therefore the snapshot and
distribution agent have worked. Can you see if the distribution agent is on
a schedule and if it is, start the relevant job to send the recent
transactions over. Assuming this is the case, you might want to set the
agent to run continuously to reduce latency.
Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP, .

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