Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Replication stopping.

I am with a problem, therefore I criated a replication of the transacional type to instantaneo and passes some days and stop and it does not replicated more appears the message: "no replicated transactions are available" it is necessary to reinicar snapsh
Standard SQL 2000 + SP3a
Somebody can help me?
sounds like a problem with the log reader.
Can you stop the log reader agent and use sp_replcmds to see if it returns
any rows or an error message.
Paul Ibison
|||No replicated transactions are available means 1 of two things
1) all transactions are distributed to the subscriber, ie no updates have been made on the publisher recently
2) as Paul points out the log reader agent has stopped or is hung. To check to see if the log reader agent is hung run a sp_repltrans to see if anything is returned. If something is returned, run it again to see if the results set decreases. If it increas
es your log reader agent is hung, if it decreases or changes your log reader agent is working fine.
Sp_browsereplcmds is good to detect distribution agent problems, but is expensive to run.
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
"Carla" wrote:

> I am with a problem, therefore I criated a replication of the transacional type to instantaneo and passes some days and stop and it does not replicated more appears the message: "no replicated transactions are available" it is necessary to reinicar snap
> Standard SQL 2000 + SP3a
> Somebody can help me?

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